Knowledge Base

Create single recipe

Got to Recipes in the left side navigation.

Add Recipe

1.    Click on Add.

2.    Enter the Recipe Title.

3.    Recipe Description. (We suggest entering a short version of what your recipe is all about – 1 or 2 paragraphs of no more than 300 characters should        be good – but if longer or shorter is ok, keep in mind that all information that you will enter will help achieve a better SEO)

4.    Ingredients and preparation for the desired recipe. We recommend having this information ready in a Word document and then copying and pasting        it into the respective fields. ( For the preparation, we suggest breaking it down into steps, and it's a good idea to have this prepared in a document as        well.)

5.    There's an option for "Additional Title" and "Additional Ingredients" if your recipe includes a different cooking component, such as a special sauce.

       a. Enter the additional title (e.g., bearnaise sauce) and list the ingredients and preparation in the "Additional Ingredients Field."

6.    You can add Tips. This could be an Oster® Tip or an additional tip from the chef or related to the recipe to enhance it.

7.     Category (optional). Choose the product category your product belongs to. This will help later to correlate the data with your product relations to         create links for specific countries.

8.     Choose your collection if you want to add this new recipe to a specific collection. This helps with organizing and categorizing recipes.

9.     Select the chef. You can choose from the list of chefs already created.

10.    Upload a picture.

       Ensure that the image you upload meets the following criteria:

  • Dimensions: 1000 x 1000 pixels.
  • File size: Less than 1 MB in size.
  • Image kind:  jpg. or jpeg.

11.    You can add a video link (optional). If you're not adding a picture and only want to include a video, copy and paste the YouTube video link.

12.    Adding Preparation, cook, and servings in integer numbers

13.    Add keywords in the "Search Meals" section. These keywords help users search for your recipes. Separate multiple keywords with commas.

14.    Post Date (optional). Postdate means a date when you want to publish your recipe in the future if you are not ready to post your recipe the same day          you are creating the recipe.

14.    Next, SEO and Open Graph Settings.

Form Create Recipe

SEO and Open Graph Settings

SEO is one of the most important elements of the platform. It provides the ability to create specific keywords and descriptions per recipe making it more searchable and findable by the crawlers (search engines).

When creating a single recipe, you will be prompt with 2 blocks, one for SEO and the second for Open Graph settings.

You can choose the tab ALL COUNTRIES to use the same SEO description for keywords for all countries or you can adjust individually per country by selecting the country tab. This will overwrite the ALL COUNTRIES settings.

1.    Enter your Title Tag.

a.    Your title tag is how it will show the recipe on Google when searching. You can copy the same title as the recipe title by checking the button Same as        Recipe Title

2.    Meta Description.

a.    You can enter a specific description or copy the description from the recipe by checking the button Same as RecipeDescription

3.    Meta Keywords

a.    Meta keywords are any keywords that can help Google find your recipe and show it to the users. You can enter any number of keywords for each        recipe followed by a comma (,) comma separated format.

4.    SEO Preview

a.    This preview will help you understand visually abetter way of how the SEO will look in Google or any search engine browser.

SEO Form.

Open Graph

Open Graph is an internet protocol that was originally created by Facebook to standardize the use of metadata within a webpage to represent the content of a page. Within it, you can provide details as simple as the title of a page or as specific as the duration of a video.

In this case, we are using Open Graph as the format when you want to share a link for any recipe in any open graph available platform such as SMS, Chat, Web, etc., for the best recipe preview experience.Open graph can and could be different from the SEO settings if you want to.

1.    Enter Open Graph title.

a.    You can enter a specific title, or you can choose to be the same title as your SEO by checking the box Same as SEO title

2.    Open Graph description

a.    You can enter a specific Open Graph description, or you can use the same description as SEO by checking the box Same as SEODescription

3.    Open Graph Preview

a.    The Open Graph Preview will help you understand how the format will be displayed in Open Graph.

4,     Next.

Open Graph Form
Publishing Settings

Here, you can select countries where your recipe will be available.

  1. Finally, click Publish.
Publish Recipe.

Uploading Multiple Recipes

To upload multiple recipes, you'll first need to download the CSV template file provided by the platform. Make sure to work within this file.

1.   Download the CSV Template File.

     a. Click on "Blank Template"

Download the blank template

2.   In the CSV file, you will find the following columns

        - Recipe Number: A unique number or identifier for each recipe.

         - Title of the recipe.

         - Recipe Description.

         - Chef ID: The unique identifier of the chef that has been previously uploaded in the platform.

Chef ID

        - Tips.

         - Ingredients.

         - Additional title and additional ingredients

        - Search by Meals: Keywords that help users search for your recipe.

         - Category ID: The category or product type the recipe belongs to. (The product has to be previously uploaded)

Category ID

         - Preparation time and cook time (in minutes).

         - Portion (just the number).

         - PictureUrl: The URL or filename of the image (e.g., "chicken-nuggets.jpg") which must match the previously uploaded image.

         - VideoLink: If you have a video for the recipe, enter the video link here.

         - Tags (Comma separated).

         - Seo title and Seo meta description

         - Open Graph title and Open Graph description

         - Meta-Keywords

         - Countries: Enter "Y" in this column for the countries where the recipe should be available.

3. Once you have filled in the details for all your recipes in the CSV file, save it.

4.  Upload the file.

      a. Go to the platform's recipe creation/upload section.

      b. Click on the button that says "Upload"

Upload CSV

5. After uploading, the system will begin processing the information from the CSV file.

6. You will receive a confirmation once the platform has successfully uploaded and processed your recipes.

Download All Recipes

If you need to have ALL the recipes that you’ve previously uploaded and prefer to work offline adjusting things through a spreadsheet, you could do it by downloading all the recipes in CSV format.

On the menu bar, click on recipes

1.    Click All Recipes in CSV

2.    You will receive a link to your email with the CSV file containing all your recipes.

Download All Recipes
Creating a collection

You can create different types of collections for different occasions, for example, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or you can choose recipes that belong to a specific group of products and create a collection that refers to that product, for example, Multi-cooker Recipes.

 On the menu in Collections.

1.    Click "Add" to create a collection

2.    Enter collection name

3.    Choose in what country or countries you want to publish this collection

4.    Choose the timing for the collection

a.    Permanent means that it will be permanently available

b.    Seasonal means that it will be available for a specific duration. Once the time is over, the collection will not be deleted but it will not show on the web or app to the users.

5.    Choose a color.

a.    Each collection can be represented by a color and it will help you when viewing multiple collections to have them color-coded.

6.    Click "Next".

You have now created a collection and you will need to add recipes now into the collection.

Adding Recipes to Collection

You will be able to see recipes right after creating the collection.

1.    Select the tab Add recipes to the collection

2.    Select from what country you want to choose a recipe from

3.    You could also search for a specific recipe under the search recipes box.

Once you have identified the recipe(s) you want to add

1.    Click Add to collection

2.    In the same tab, select the recipe picture that will be used as a collection image.

All the recipes that you will be adding will start showing in the tab next to it that says Recipes Added and it will show the number of recipes you have been added into the collection.


Once you have finished the process, make sure to click "Next".

Choosing a collection picture

1.    Select how to add picture there are two options, from existing collection of pictures or uploading a new picture.

  • Choose from existing pictures:
Choose from existing pictures
  • Upload new picture
Upload new picture

2.    Click "Publish".

Publish Collection

Upload Multiple Product Categories

From the Products Menu, select Categories.

1. Download the Blank template CSV file

Download CSV template

2. Inside the CSV file, you will find four columns for each category.

  • Category Name
  • Category Number
  • Picture URL: The name of the picture file (e.g., "4655-Licuadora-Oster.jpg").

          a. This file name should match a picture that has been previously uploaded by RECIPE RM in the database. The picture will be displayed on the web                when uploading the CSV.

  • ID (DO NOT EDIT/POPULATE): This column is not meant to be edited or populated by you.

3. Once you have filled in the details for all your categories in the CSV file, save it.

4. Click on the button that says "Upload"

Add a single category

1. Click on "Add".

2. You will be directed to a form titled "Create Category."

    a. Upload Category Image. (The image should be jpg. or jpeg. in 1000 x 1000 pixels and be less than 1 MB in size.)

     b. Enter Category Name.

     c. Click on "Submit"

Create category form

Edit a category

1. To edit the name of the category or the picture, select Edit

Select Edit icon

2. You will be able to update the name and the picture relations name from the edit menu. Make sure to confirm the update once done.

Edit Category
Create product relations

To create product relations:

1.  Under Products Menu, select Relations

Product Relations

2. Download the Product template CSV file

Download CSV template

3. You will be required to enter the picture Name and the product name.

a. The picture name is the name of the file that has been uploaded previously by RECIPE RM in the database. The name of the file will be matched and will show the picture on the web when uploading the CSV.

4. Select the country or countries where the product is available

a. In the CSV file mark, the country column

b. On the web admin make sure to select the country and enter the link for the product availability

Create Product Relation

1. Click "Add" to create product relation.

2. Add Product Title.

3. Select Country where it will be displayed

4. Add picture

5. Click "Next"

Product Relation form

6. Select and search for recipe by country

7. Add recipes

Product Relation recipes

8. Click "Publish"

Publish Product Relation

Create and manage users

Adding new user

On the top right menu cog.

1.    Select General

General Settings

2.    Select Add New User

Add New User

3.    Enter the Name of the user

4.    Enter the Email of the user

5.    Select the access level

6.    Select The country where the user will have visibility and will be able to manage content.

7.    Click Create User.

Create User form


Edit an existing user

On the menu bar under Settings

1.    Select Action

2.    Select Edit User

Edit User


Delete a user

On the menu bar under Settings

1.    Select Action

2.    Select Delete User

Delete User

Change password

Login page
  1. Go to login page
  2. Click "Forgot your password"
  3. Fill email associated to account in username
  4. Check for link sent, follow link
  5. Fill new information needed
Change password form
Connect Social Media Accounts

The social media accounts module allows you to publish to each specific country’s social media channels by connecting each country’s account to the platform.


On the menu bar under Settings

1.    Select Country + Social

Social Settings

2.    Select your desired connection for a social media channel – Facebook or Twitter.


Note: This process must be done individually by each country independently. Social media channels are normally associated with a personal account and should be connected individually by each country.

Connecting Google Analytics to Recipe RM

To connect Google Analytics by the country you will have to enter the UA number from each country’s Google Analytics account.

To find your Google Analytics UA, please refer to this link


Once you have the UA code – please enter them in the specific country location box for Web and Mobile.

Once entered your information will start displaying inGoogle Analytics 24hrs after collecting data.